Saturday, May 2, 2009


An interesting idea came to me earlier. What if consciousness happens five seconds after the present? In other terms, something happens and we react to it, then five seconds later, we become aware of that moment as being the present.

We would not have control over ourselves, only a sense of volition through trying to make coherence out of involuntary strings of events.

Everything on the way to the capital seemed so stretched out. The highway system is ruining the countryside, and these "environmentalists" keep missing the target.

Why is everyone so concerned with the state of our planet, anyway? A large quadrant in the propaganda relies heavily on aesthetic value. So, if people care about the way things look, then why would the government want a say in Chrysler?

I don't get the "too big to fail" argument. I was brought up in a comfortable environment, in one which provided a level comparable to what would make the old kings envious. But doesn't all that seem pretty artificial, anyway? Where is Solomon's wisdom now?

1 comment:

John said...

Funny government link. I clicked it and the first image to pop up was gas being pumped into a car.