Friday, October 31, 2008

Homage - Things I Enjoy

I've been reading a few webcomics lately, among them XKCD and Cyanide & Happiness. There's a certain charm knowing that these comics are free, up-to-date, and beyond readily accessible.

I was speaking with my counselor the other day, and it led my thoughts to the concept of self-fulfilling beauty, or art for art's sake. Many of the things I find most satisfying in my life are branded as pop art, and while I don't know if it is our great cultural phenomenon, I do know that these are artists who appreciate the value of their work. They are my, our, lives drawn to page, and posted for everyone to see. And the best part? It is a secret everyone can share.

I'm reminded of Unbreakable, where the antagonist spoke of comics as an accentuated call to our ancestry and to ourselves.

For the sake of brevity this morning, however, I'm just going to list off some of the better web comics for anyone's particular enjoyment.

Cyanide & Happiness
Questionable Content
Chugworth Academy

Carpe Diem

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