Thursday, May 7, 2009


NYT had an article in the way back about how the FBI has a gigantic record with "1.1 million names and aliases" potentially linked to terrorism. Naturally, the ever-astute Times reported that these names were from outdated and poor methods of monitoring suspects. If we had brain-stemmed folk running the papers, this wouldn't be big news.

Of course that bothers me; I can casually tell someone that the FBI is watching me, and not be actively concerned about it. It takes a lot of perspective to really wrap your head around that sentiment.

And on top of it, the magnanimous NYT, along with everyone else, seems to go right along with it. How can we find people "...with genuine ties to terrorism"? What is a tie to terrorism, or, in fact, what the hell is terrorism? I say we arrest the police state we've been forced to grow up in.

If we're looking at principle here, the FBI should be an Ouroboros

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