Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Unscheduled Hiatus

Apologies for my week-or-so-long break from the internet are in order. I have been taking the time to be with the people close to me as of late, and the internet has not been on the priority list (Sorry web 2.0, we can still do lunch some time). So let me fill you in on the details of my life.

As of now, I am almost complete with my poetry manuscript. I'll be sending it out by the end of the month, and will get my rejection letter another month later. In the off-chance I get published, I'll let you know what magazine to buy.

In other news, I have left my Ubuntu/XP setup behind for Windows 7 Beta and OpenSolaris. I haven't really checked out OpenSolaris yet; but Windows 7 looks like it will be a powerhouse of an OS. From my first impression, the Beta appears to already be more stable and lighter than Vista. My only gripe would be if they decided to bloat it out right before release.

Other than that, nothing new has been happening. I'll resume normal posting tomorrow. Same goes for Acoustic Outhouse.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I enjoyed writing the music reviews greatly yesterday, so I went ahead and made a blog of its own. I'll be regularly updating that too, so don't miss out on some nice one-sentence reviews!

As for yesterday's post, I edited it out and put it in the new blog, to make things easier for everyone. The remnants of the post survive in their original state.

I picked up the pen again, only this time to try my hand at drawing. If I can get my hands on a scanner, I'll show you my abominations. If you're interested in starting up yourself, click on over to Home School Arts, a nice, free tutorial for whetting your drawing skills.

Also, my flickr account is now up for the public. Right now it only had photos from my old camera, but I'll scale some new pictures down soon enough. The link is on the right, in the ambiguously-placed links ("Mes Photos" for those not familiar with French. How ambiguous!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Musique Unique, Pt. 1

Music is not yet dead. Over the next few posts, I'll be presenting a unique blend of albums from the furthest reaches of the rock world. Today, six albums are featured.

In other news, I've linked to The Daily Cow, a terrific website from a friend of mine who speaks pragmatic truth about various things.

(Content edited away into The Acoustic Outhouse)

And that about does it for today.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Immovable Objects

Earlier today, I gave myself a near-hernia while lifting a desk out of my room. Now I have a sore back and 8 square feet of extra space, which is being occupied by a dresser. It's been too cold to play with my camera outside, so I've been indoors most of the week. (Juneau, Alaska was warmer yesterday than some southern states. I shudder at the beauty.) I got a flickr account, which I'll eventually get into using. I want to import my old photo albums onto it.

A few of friends and I have been getting together lately, playing video games and having a time. As of the Wii/PS3/XBOX360, I am two generations behind in the video gaming world. (And still broke? This is a travesty!) I had a Nintendo DS at a point, but I gave it up for some money which likely went to a week's supply of gyros and sushi.

Not to segue, but I am in love with torrenting. Again, I'm only about ten years late onto the scene, if it could be called a scene.

Anyway, I've been thinking about video games lately, since they made up the greater part of my childhood. I think, in the wisest words in the plethora of anonymous quotes in my notebooks, "television has changed a child from an irresistible force to an immovable object"

I am not so much worried about myself, but considering how greatly consumerism has driven people in the last decade, I think television (and subsequently, video games) is a big death trap. I'm reminded of a venus fly trap, which just sort of holds the fly in its jaw while its slowly digested. I'm more liable to believe the fly dies from old age before finally being fully digested. It would certainly explain how lethargic this generation seems; I can only worry for future children.

Suffice to say, I'm making a big deal out of cleaning my room. It's been years since I've clearly seen my floor. I might be moving soon, either way, but it's certainly nice knowing my carpet color again.

Blue Sphere

Plot device 1: XKCD's latest blag has been discussing google searches that return 0 results.
Plot device 2: Sonic Mega Collection. Friend's house. Too much time on Blue sphere.

I can't beat the last god-damned level, so I posted on XKCD in an effort to push traffic for beating the hell out of that game. I'm hoping for a film noir ending, or at least some vindictive justice on Blue Sphere.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life is a subset of Motion

As a matter of consequence, I now have full privilege to belatedly welcome you to 2009. So in that, I am full of complete and total enervation, and I'm still working off my lifelong hangover that I call dying my whole life.

I have dreams that are coming to naught, and hurray, it will always be that way. Web-based comic XKCD has it spot-on in its strip called "Dreams":

I think I'll post a permanent link to XKCD; I can't come up with any original ideas myself, I might as well give you something interesting at the very least.